I haven’t seen my office friends for a very long time. When I returned to work last year after a couple of months to rest, most of them have already left the company. So I highly anticipated the day that we’d see each other again for Ayen and Paul’s wedding. The sky was overcast and I was happy about it. I’m not a fan of wearing long-sleeves shirt because I’m a walking furnace. Mon and I dropped by Faye’s apartment to pick her up before going to the church in Greenmeadows.
Comme d’habitude, Monette was late. LOL The wedding march was about to start when she arrived. Looking ladylike, it was astonishing to see her in a long dress, with a matching gold belt to boot. ^O^ The altar of Christ the King Church was, well, gilded with gold. Good thing that it was air-conditioned because I was saved from sweating and fanning myself. Moments after, the entourage began walking down the aisle and we were waiting with bated breath for Ayen to enter the (sliding glass) door.
And with a change of music from Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years” to Forevermore, the curtain opened and Ayen began walking down the aisle. I’m almost always emotional when the bride walks down the aisle. From my high school friend’s wedding more than two years ago, to my brother’s wedding in 2013, there’s always something about seeing a vision in white silhouetted against the bright door backdrop.
The ceremony was on point and everything was timed well. Even the accompanying music was a surprise. Whenever a music would be played, I would look for somebody singing. I only knew of the violinist and the wedding singer’s whereabouts (i.e. on a balcony behind us), when it was already time to have our picture taken with the couple.
The reception was held in The Glass Garden. I only knew of the location while looking at the invitation during the wedding. I then only realized that I was already near Marikina, and it would have been better to go home directly, rather than head back to Makati after and go home the day after. Anyway, we were the first guests to arrive from the church. It only goes to show how food-deprived we were at that time. I was also in dire need of coffee and my coffee time was well beyond two hours already. =P Once we got inside the reception area, I did not even have the time to apprecfiate how beautiful the place was because the first thing that caught my attention was the NYFD booth! I thought that the fries were for sale, but seeing other guests getting some, I immediately got two cups — the first of the six cups I ate. LOL
Again, everything was well-timed, considering that (from what Faye told me), they barely had a couple of months to prepare for this. The food was excellent and I was so full that I did not even bother getting a second serving. There were no dull moments and one would most willingly pay attention to the program. There was also a string quartet (hello, cello!) and the same wedding singer performing her own concert in the venue. (Just kidding. She was amazeballs.)
No event was complete without a photobooth. By the looks of it, we were the second group to get our photos taken — so rabid!
It was almost impossible to take photos with the bride and groom. They were, as expected, the stars of the night and one had to be quick and always ready with his camera to steal moments with them. At one point, on our way to the bathroom, Faye and Monette had to make epal and pose with Ayen while the couple were prepped to take their photos with the big-ass letters P and A! ^_^
It was a very memorable event, especially I got to see Ayen, Monette, Ann and Rev in one night. We usually see each other in jeans and whatnots, and seeing everyone dressed up (particularly the girls). I wonder when we will see each other again?
I look so espasol and washed-out in my DIY make-up but kebs I am so proud for trying to put on eyeliner wahaha. It was fun seeing you all and be together again all dressed up. I hope we get to repeat this soon 🙂
HAHAHA It was quite good, sa totoo lang. It was not as washed-out in person. Angelina had her bad make-up moments too, so you’re in good company. Char! ^_^