Very stormy weather in Manila

Would you be happy to get off the bus in this weather?

Animated view of the strong Wind and rain Makati Central Business District - Philippines

Animated view of the strong Wind and rain Makati Central Business District

I was stuck in the waiting shed for more than 15 minutes, hoping that the strong wind and rain will subside. But alas! I made a run for it because I can’t be more drenched under the shed than braving the weather. Because of this weather, I had a chance again to use the higher and most weather proof boots I have: my 14-hole Doc Martens! I was initially wearing a polo shirt inside, but it got wet. :/

Ol' trusty sweatshirt! Cropped skinny jeans and 14-hole Doc Martens - Manila, Philippines

Ol’ trusty sweatshirt! Cropped skinny jeans and 14-hole Doc Martens

Ready for the stormy weather! 14-hole Doc Martens for guys - Manila Philippines

Ready for the stormy weather! 14-hole Doc Martens for guys!When I was in Cubao a few minutes earlier, I was really sleepy that I decided to look for a place to have a quick drink of coffee. Et voilà! They have a nice and comfy looking Dunkin’ Donuts on the ground floor of Farmers Plaza. I did not want to eat any donuts because I will be having a snack with Mon when I reach the office. But can you say ‘No’ to these yummy looking donuts?

Dunkin Donuts Brewed Coffee --- for only Php 35!!! Cubao, Philippines

Dunkin Donuts Brewed Coffee — for only Php 35!!!

Very enticing! I had a hard time preventing myself from buying one! - Dunkin' Donuts Farmers Cubao Philippines

Very enticing! I had a hard time preventing myself from buying one! 

I never thought they are already making extremely nice-looking donuts!

Sports Donut 2012 for the Olympics - Dunkin' Donuts Farmers Cubao Philippines

Sports Donut 2012 for the Olympics


I think these are supposedly representing the Olympic rings?

Blueberry Cheese donut - Dunkin' Donuts, Farmers Cubao, Philippines

Blueberry Cheese donut

Mon will definitely want this as he likes blueberry cheesecake a lot. I did not buy one, though, because I know that it might get flatten inside my bag. I hate carrying paper and plastic bags. Maybe I’ll just bring him here some other time so he can personally eat them in Dunkin’ Donuts’ homely place.

Raindrops on the glass - Makati Central Business District - Philippines

Raindrops on the glass – Makati Central Business District


Meanwhile, would you be able to work properly in this weather? I bet you couldn’t as well. LOL



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