“Never say never“, that’s all I could think of when I contacted the seller of one of the bags I’ve been waiting for on Ebay. Just as I gave myself a lovely pat on the back before Valentine’s Day on how I managed not to buy a bag for myself in 2013, along came this tessuto robot tote!
(Photos from the seller)
I couldn’t believe the thumbnail that I saw when I was just lazily scrolling on a seller’s items. Again, due to limitations imposed by Ebay on sellers, the one selling this was restricted to include designer names/brands in her auction titles. But I knew right away what this bag was and it was ONE of the tessuto robot designs I’ve been looking for a long time (i.e. a Tessuto Robot 2 tote bag)! I previously posted about the other Tessuto Robot I have, which was a casualty in an unfortunate event. It was admittedly a botched DIY project and I dared not use the fabric dye, out of fear of utterly ruining it. So just imagine how happy I was upon seeing this green wonder!
There were few missing parts, though, particularly one of the keys in the left arm and the mouth of the robot itself. The other tessuto tote I have suffered from the same fate as well, with the robot’s right foot lost for quite some time already. But I was not surprised to see the mouth missing because unlike the other tessuto robot designs, this fellow had the sewn-in, rubber-y, heatstamped material, rather than a triangular and/or rectangular plaque present on the others. That, of course, is easily lost.
But there was something else odd with the seller’s photos: they looked quite weird and distorted. I checked her other auctions and noticed that all of the recently uploaded pictures were bulging in the middle. I was definitely sure that she had forgotten to turn the fish-eye effect off! LOL Nevertheless, I saw no red flags as the details, albeit quite distorted, match perfectly with the other one I already have (which was checked by the helpful Gwen from the PurseWatch two years ago). I can’t wait for it to arrive because I have waited a long time for another tessuto tote! =D
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