U.P. with friends

I called the Registrar yesterday to ask for any updates regarding the documents I have requested earlier this month and I was surprised that all of them were ready for claiming! I was really happy because it meant that I would not have to wait until the 29th. It took the person fixing my documents several minutes to finish because she had to affix a lot of dry seal to each of them and I have requested two copies of everything. I was really happy to see both my undergraduate and graduate degrees reflected in my updated Transcript of Records. =D I also got a copy of Course Description and I don’t even know why I requested for one. It was funny how some of the subjects listed had an elaborate description, while the others only have a short sentence with it. Unfortunately, I returned my Certificate of Graduation because it had a glaring problem — the date was January 11, 2011. I have to return this Monday just to get the corrected copy.

My Transcript of Records bearing my undergraduate and graduate degrees - UP Diliman

Course Description - UP Diliman

Having arrived at almost 11:00 AM, we only had more than an hour to run from one place to another. I still hoped that the Cashier had not transferred from the Shopping Center to ISSI because it was really a pain going to that area. LOL I also got my book, which I should have claimed last week (but I have my ID pictures printed somewhere else because none of the stalls there print a size 1.5″x2″ photo).

My copy of the book and ID pictures

Faye also managed after several years to fix whatever she needed to fix in our old college! It was admittedly a productive day for both of us, even if it meant we had to wake up earlier than the usual. We ate lunch in Mashitta — the first time for Faye and the first time in 18 months for Ikle. We then walked to the Acad Oval, near the Sunken Garden and “relaxed” a bit and fathom on how a lot of things have changed since the last time we were undergraduate students in the university. How old. LOL

Waiting for our tummies to settle down after a hefty lunch - Acad Oval, UP Diliman - gray T-shirt PLAY by Comme des Garçons

We can pass up as undergrads LOL  - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

Faye checking her Kindle - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

My friend Ikle and I  - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

And of course, Ikle and I couldn’t help but take his crazy pictures with the trees/shrubs inside the university. I could not think of another person who was as willing and in-your-face in front of a camera.

The glowing background - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

Above a low-lying tree trunk - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

Love the hair - Acad Oval, UP Diliman

I’m sleepy, very sleepy but I feel more inspired and motivated to work hard on the things I must do for the weeks ahead. Now that I have all of the needed requirements, I take it as a giant “GO!” sign that there’s no turning back now. I’m ready to jump. =)

Grown up things

Last November, I intended to obtain a copy of my Transcript of Records from the University Registrar. However, I had a peculiar situation because even if I technically graduated last semeseter, I had to wait for the Board of Regents’ meeting to make my graduation official. As a result, I could not request any documents until the meeting last December and the processing of my transcript would proceed not after my student clearance was finished.

Clearance Form - OUR UP DilimanAnyway, I decided yesterday to fix all of my credentials, certifications, records and all because I just found out that the submission of requirements for the exam I intend to take will be on the 31st of January. I must admit, I lost interest in this particular examination last November because I thought that I’d have no chance to fix and get my requirements on time but I saw a ray of hope.

Deserted AS corridor




OUR, why so far


Then to OUR I went! Since I arrived at around 9:30 AM, I only had 2.5 hours to apply and pay for all the papers I needed: Student Clearance, Transcript of Record, Certification of Graduation, Course Description, True Copy of Grades from CSSP and CAL, and Certified True Copy of my undergraduate diploma. It was not easy because I had to walk from OUR, to Faculty Center, to AS and go to ISSI for the Cashier and back to the same buildings again for the receipts.

CAL 101 has transferred again, now in FC 1091


I only needed my TOR but it would take a longer time to process (14 days for updating) and if I were to consider the time for my clearance to finish, I will get my records by February 2 or two days past the deadline. I had no choice but apply for True Copy of Grades and hoped that the person whom I inquired was correct in saying that I can submit them in lieu of my TOR.

I wish I could take her home

She even allowed me to pet her



While I was doing all of this, I was able to pass by lots of kitties in Faculty Center. Last June 2012, I posted pictures of these kitties and I was happy to see more earlier. The first one was the small kitten above, sitting near the entrance of FC. I thought that she was hungry so I bought some bread from one of the stores near the road and when I got back, there were already more of them.

Feeding the FC kittiesUnmoved kitty in FC Parking Lot

At exactly 12:00 noon, I was finally finished in submitting everything and had no choice but to wait and pray that the processing would be fast. I was most anxious over the student clearance because my request for TOR won’t be processed if I don’t have it ready. Resting for only 10 minutes, I began traveling to Shaw to visit the head office of PAG-IBIG. I had originally decided to go directly to work but Mon pushed me to finish everything I needed to finish so that I won’t have to go to Shaw the week after.

Honestly, I was worried on how my visit would be because it has been a year since I last went there. I had to visit their head office to supply 12 more PDCs for the payment of my mortgage and I even asked around on what to write on them. Then one of my friends specifically mentioned that the checks should be addressed to “HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND”. Duh. I also then realized that I have been paying for two years already and it seemed only yesterday when I found it difficult and tasking to allocate money for the mortgage. =D

PDCs to be issued to PAG-IBIG


When I reached PAG-IBIG, I went straight away to the second floor and was made to queue in the counters directly next to the entrance. After waiting for my final billing to finish, I was then directed to the section where I would be submitting the PDCs. I thuoght it would be fast but I was made to complete the information at the back, following the standardized dorsal format. I think that by the fifth check, my hand was already cursing me.

The Dorsal Format of Philippine Checks for PAG-IBIG


Within an hour, I was already done with everything and then I went straight to work. I thought that everything would be fine but I was wrong. We just got word that a previous officemate and friend of ours passed away yesterday. It was so shocking that it took me about three hours to finally react and I was silently crying in my post. He was just 29 years old — so young. What transpired within the past few hours changed my perspective over the transcience of life.

Now, I feel more determined to prepare for the upcoming examination but hopefully, I get my Transcript of Records first.