Here we go again

  • So it is that time of the year. Now, I have to face the comprehensive examinations.

I have been enrolled under residency for the past year, having decided that I’ll take a year off to have an idea what I wish to do with my thesis.

Since changing gears, I took my time traveling, which culminated with a vacation in Europe. But at the back of my mind, I knew that I had to eventually face schoolwork.

That time has finally arrived.

My personal promise was after the long-awaited vacation to Europe, I’d put my head back in the game. It was, however, too difficult to even think of my comprehensive exams and moreover, the thesis.

Translation: you are just lazy

Translation: you are just lazy

So I went back watching Angela Duckworth and her grit Ted Talk on YouTube: and I ouch.

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And just like that… Bryologue turns 10 today!

An homage to the first ever post, still with the Mulberry Wexford messenger bag

Yes, this page is now 10 years old. I can’t believe it is a decade already. It seems only yesterday I was figuring out how to set-up and posted my first ever post here on June 1, 2012. Surprisingly, my Tumblr is still alive and turned 12 last April.

I can’t stress enough that, in the midst of the ever shortening lifespan of people, I still manage to maintain these pages. And to commemorate this day, I decided to recreate the first ever photo posted:

An interesting thing about the first photo:

  • the Marc Jacobs coin purse was, of course, already lost August of 2012;
  • the LV wallet already gave up on me (stashed somewhere);
  • the iPod Classic’s battery gave up on me (stashed somewhere);
  • the Blackberry’s battery gave up on me (stashed somewhere);
  • the camera is no longer working (that photo was taken with that same camera);
  • the Kindle got smashed on our last day on the field in Mindanao last 2013; and
  • the Dior pouch, Mulberry agenda, and, surprisingly, that small atomizer bottle are still alive.

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Once A Week: First Post for 2020

Once a week. This is the number of times I should post per week. It could be more than one, but I am pegging it low. Sustainable? Perhaps not. Nevertheless, I’ll give it my best shot. Hey, if I manage to do it, I have 52 posts at the end of 2020, without resorting to a mega post on December 31.

Yesterday, I brought a new planner from National Bookstore for 2020. It was tabula rasa i.e. I had to write the days and months down. For those who know, I have been a regular planner user since 2007. I delved once into those Starbucks planner (in 2008 to be exact). However, I just felt it was not for me. I never even managed to use that.

Blogception: the first post of the year on the screen, and the last page of the planner with things I intend to do for the year.

Thus, year after year, I just buy one from the bookstore. I bought a vintage LV agenda cover from Ebay back in 2017, and fill it with a generic planner. I think this is a Japanese release since the cover flips from left to right. But, who cares?

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Before 2019 Ends

Welp! My last post was exactly a year ago today! I almost forgot the password for BRYOLOGUE but here I am again with another mega post.

Funny how I keep on posting about religiously posting but haven’t got the chance for the past 364 days. To give a recap of my year, perhaps a mega post will make up for it?

So let’s have a look back at the year that was!

At the newly-cleaned Quiapo area ---- Mulberry Trout Scotchgrain Messenger Bag

At the newly-cleaned Quiapo area

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2018 Wrap-Up Mega Post

Before 2018 ends, it is time for my year-end essay! I will compensate for my inability to update the last few months with this mega post.

Compared to the holidays of the previous years, this year is quite laid back. It was not as frantic as before.

Ayala Malls Circuit's Christmas decoration

Ayala Malls Circuit’s Christmas decoration

One of the things I am proudest of this 2018 is that I was able to make better choices for my health. This includes a change in my diet, and a better drive to exercise regularly.

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It’s a wrap, 2017! (My year-end essay LOL)

And just like that, another year has ended! While everybody on Facebook is busy submitting their year-end essay, I chose to post a haiku because, well, I have this page to write to my heart’s content! ^_^

The haiku is roughly translated as:


Last day of the year

And later, it’ll be the first

So go, eat some more!

Not shading everyone on Facebook, writing lengthy stuff about their year. I was just being cheeky! I actually enjoy reading them, save for some with irrelevant #humblebrag.

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For the record(s)

The first quarter was about to end. I needed to use of all my leaves, but I did not have anywhere to go. For today, I took a day off to go to UP and request copies of my transcript.

It was not a chore before when I was still based in Marikina. But being from Makati on weekdays, I had to do the long traverse along EDSA just to reach Diliman.

While I love how vast UP Diliman is, it annoys me a lot why the cashier is at the far end of the Registrar. It is very counter-intuitive. There is a cashier downstairs, but it is often closed. Anyway, it was less tedious because I was with Ikle. We were done at around lunch time and had the whole afternoon to wait for the rush hour to subside. And that includes shenanigans around the campus.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

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Last student, new application

Before my boss went outside the country for her almost-a-month holiday, I had a very long meeting with her. It was eventful and I appreciated that we had it as there were things I had to look forward to when she comes back.

Among other things, I expressed my interest of studying French again. I admittedly did not have a lot of opportunity to speak French and I, along with other foreign language learners, fear the day that we’d be back at square one. You must grab the bull by its horns and take charge. After several weeks, I finally got the green-light.

Library of AFM

Library of AFM

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Visiting the university

It has been quite a while since I was inside UP. Maybe this is something that Harry Potter feels everytime he’s at Hogwarts (or Lord Voldemort for that matter), but this place always feels like home to me.

It was a fine Saturday morning that I had to wake up earlier than usual. I informed Dr Carlos that I would be dropping by her class in the morning to get my recommendation letter. Yes, I will be going back to school next semester. However, she was down with the flu and I had to go to her place to get it. It was always a pleasure talking to her and I think a major part of my inquisitiveness can be attributed to her. There are things that some teachers say that just stick to you and I can still recall several of things she had uttered in class way back from 2009. Her drive, candor and, most especially, her optimism of the country.

The Sunken Garden viewed from the Peace Rock

The Sunken Garden viewed from the Peace Rock and a UP Ikot

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Preparing for a week in Mindanao!


Say hello to a new day! I have brought along almost all shortsleeves polo with me but I don’t remember wearing one since bringing them. As it is almost raining the whole week, the prospect of sweating profusely has significantly reduced. Another colorblind moment, though, as I thought this was a white polo with gray stripes, but apparently, it was pink in some other color. Oh well. I would never know about it not until I commented that Mon and I were both wearing white polos and looked like high school students. I was evidently wrong.A shirt I thought as white, black skinny pants, Red Wing  2913 boots

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