Yesterday, Mon and I were ready to face the daunting task — Christmas shopping on the last Saturday before Christmas. On our way to Trinoma, we were already discussing and making a list on our cellphone the things we need to buy for our loved ones and godchildren. I technically have six godkids but as only two were present (one’s already grown up, while the others: M.I.A.), I only had to buy two.
First stop was by the Barbie store in the second floor and I was able to finish choosing the items I wanted to buy within the first five minutes. Mon, on the other hand, had a hard time choosing what clothes to buy for my niece, Brie, who happened to be his goddaughter. Next stop was Toys R’ Us. We had a longer time looking and deciding for what toys to buy for the other kids. Towards the end of our shopping, though, we decided that it would be much better if one of us would get in line already while the other search for other last minute purchases.

Well since I was already done with my things-to-buy list in this store, Mon had to run around and look for other toys to give to his godchildren. Again, the queue was insane and bladder-challenging. The lady in front of me asked me if I can hold her position in the line ‘for a moment’ because she had to rush and get something. I gave a non-committal “Yes.” with a blank look, so she’d rush as I did not entirely feel comfortable doing it for her. And I was right. I don’t know about other people but if I said that I’d hurry up to pick something, it will be for a minute or two just to snatch whatever it was that I have forgotten. The lady in question, however, took a long time to get back on the line. She’d passed by my side, walking back and forth, and Mon even said that she was talking to somebody on the phone, while choosing for things on a shelf. O_O Had I known that such practice was okay, I could have fallen in line the moment I enter the store, ask the person next to me to hold my position, do my shopping and come back just in time to pay. =P Needless to say, she did not have her position back because… uhmmm… I did something interesting.
Going to the gift wrapping section of the store (because they wrap gifts for free as long as an item costs Php 300 or more), we were shocked to hear that the waiting time was six hours! Wow! That was a long time to wait just to have your gifts wrapped. But it was understandable, though. You can clearly see in their counter that the area was brimming with toys. They were literally slaving away and I hoped that other customers won’t give them a hard time because moments before, a cranky lady was throwing a fit in the cashier. Bless her little heart. Anyway, we had a lot of time in our hands since it was still 3:30 PM when we finished our toy shopping. We looked for gifts for the grown-ups and had a 6:30 PM screening of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”. So 9:30 PM just flew by fast.

After the movie, we went back to Toys R’ Us to claim the wrapped items. I think they had barely finished wrapping the gifts, and there was still a long line of customers waiting to have their items considered. When will they get their gifts? The following day? Most of them got discouraged and just asked for the free gift wrapper.
Coming from Trinoma, we ‘flew’ immediately back at home to freshen up a bit because we were to meet some of my high school friends, one of them was Chelli, who I unexpectedly met when eating in Mashitta almost two months ago. Spent until 2:00 AM talking and laughing our heads off over the funny and foolish anecdotes we had from high school until present day. Then today (or few hours ago), I just came from another get-together of high school friends in Jannet’s house. Only five came again and we could have all gotten together on a single day but alas, their schedules did not match and they already have prior commitments. I had to go to Jannet’s place, though, because I needed to hand out my gift for his son and my godson, Aleph.

Tomorrow will be a very relaxed day. I intend to just eat and drink and sample the cooking of my mother for our Noche Buena. Perhaps catch up with with niece and nephew, and give my dog a bath. =P Barely two days before Christmas and I can’t wait until the kids open their gifts. We’ve been annoying JB since this morning that he will be receiving pick-up sticks as a gift. He had no idea that I have just given him his first toy telescope, so that he won’t bug me to go outside and lug my heavy telescope just to go stargazing. Well, he did nit initially know about it because when he was enumerating the possible content of the box (prior to me telling him that it was pick-up sticks), he said “small telescope” and we were all dumbfounded. =D
Oh Christmas. So stressful, especially to the wallet but I know it will be worth it. =D I missed nobody on my list and I was very happy.