Big Bang Alive Galazy Tour 2012 poster

(Photo from philippineconcerts.com)

Forgive me for the upper case letters in the title but I’m just extremely looking forward to Big Bang‘s concert here in Manila next week! We got our tickets when they were first released in July and it was Mon who fell in line for them. There will be four of us watching: Mon and I, Lot (Mon’s sister) and Faye. And as the concert will be held at exactly 8:00 PM, we have no choice but to file a day of vacation leave just for it.

BIG BANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Manila Tickets - Philippines, YG Entertainment - SM Tickets

I’m not gonna lie: the tickets cost a lot! We only availed the Upper Box seats, and at Php 3,700 (plus the Php 200 SM ticketing charge), we are desperately hoping that the show will be worth it! The better seat at Lower Box B cost Php 3,170 more than our tickets but given the bizarre seat configuration in SM MOA Arena, I think the prices were quite justified. The first and last time I have entered the venue was last month’s UAAP Cheerdance Competition. We were seated at the Lower Box B, enough to gauge that the viewing experience at the Upper Box MIGHT be tantamount to peeking at the bottom of a ravine. LOL

Anyway, what I’m most excited about is the crowd. This concert will only be the 4th K-Pop-related event I’m going to witness. The first one was 4Minute‘s mall tour in SM North way back in 2009 (with Faye), the second was Super Junior’s concert in 2010 (with Mon and Gina), and the third one was 2NE1 in Araneta from last year (with a lot of my officemates). Aside from the idols, the people watching are always a nice spectacle to see, especially on what they will be wearing. As young and easily impressionable some of the fans are, you have to admire the guts of some who wear the most outrageous outfits in these events. One time, I saw a guy, about thirteen years old, wearing a bubble vest with a (faux?) fur hood! Mind you, this was in the middle of April, when summer was officially ablaze in Manila! Provided that next Wednesday will be the concert of South Korea’s most stylish boyband (and yes, I confer that title to them as G-Dragon can single-handedly live up to that), I expect crazier outfits from the fans. I just hope that cameras won’t be banned or else I would have to find a way to sneak one in.

One more week to go and I must try to memorize some lyrics. When all else fails, I’d just mouth ‘watermelon’ and the known-English words in their songs. LOL

And we retained the championship! UP Pep Squad is love!

I think even the heavens were not that happy with  the competition being held at SM MOA’s Arena. I thought I was in San Juan’s fiesta because the sky was throwing buckets of water with a wind machine. Good thing I had an extra shirt with me because I was quite drenched when we reached the Arena.

Outside the gate that is not Blue (I forgot the name), I saw some of my former teammates:

With my former teammates - UP Pep Squad alumni

Inside the Arena, I did not feel the usual goosebumps from anticipation and the infectious crowd I get from Araneta. It was that bad that I did not even notice the competition has already started.

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