Grunge Tuesday

I was reading yesterday about D&G and its eventual discontinuation when Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana decided to stop the production of their diffusion line, with the S/S 2012 collection as their last runway show. Anyway, I was browsing their previous collections on and stopped at the F/W 2008 to look at the array of plaid, and tartan prints, in varying sizes displayed in every garment.

And a year before that in February 2007, Jean Paul Gaultier sent out models dressed in the same type of prints for his F/W 2007 show, which was famously opened by the dancing Coco.

So for today, I decided to take this shirt out of the closet and use it for work. Since buying it in November, I have only worn it once on a casual day (to The Mind Museum) and never thought of using it in the office because I personally think it was too ‘loud’. Perhaps due to the color, as the most color I usually wear in the office was blue, and as I tend to wear Doc Martens everyday, it might be overkill for 90s grunge look but I did not feel like giving a damn today, so I just let it go. They will have to deal with it.

Black Chocoolate red flannel shirt, black pants, black 8-hole Doc Martens and olive green Prada tessuto messenger sling

And for the first time ever, I have used Salonpas beacuse I have a persistent lower back pain since Saturday. It was especially painful in the morning after waking up and I had to wait for about an hour before I can normally walk and stand. I already have a slight idea over the reason why this is happening. LOL Mon was kind enough to buy me a pack of 10 plasters for less than Php 50 and it feels more menthol-y than my favorite efficascent oil.

A box of Salonpas

Cleaning out my closet

My Sundays are usually reserved in staying at home. With the week ahead, I just spend my last day of the weekend doing my routine and share of tasks in the house, which includes giving our dogs a bath or cleaning my room and the house in general. I usually start doing all of these after Mon leaves the house past lunch time.

I have been more diligent in arranging my bags because they tend to be more sensitive with the changing weather and temperature. But it was a different case for my closet — it was literally full of cluttered clothes that I was too lazy to face arranging it even when I did a general cleaning of my room last January 1. I’ve been skimming over the things found on top a giant pile inside and the clothes on the hangers were not organized.

A pile of clothes waiting to be sorted

It was a tiring task and I started after eating our dinner. Then, it took me about four hours, few minutes shy of midnight to finally finish arranging everything. From longsleeves polo to shortsleeves polo, polo-shirts, T-shirts and jackets. These were, then, arranged per color (or what I perceived as color because I think some of them might have a mix of blue and violet together, but I will be the one opening my closet so it did not matter anyway), with blacks and darker ones to the right going ligther to the left. All the knits (cardigans and sweaters) were folded nicely to prevent ugly hanger marks, as well as my pambahay (everyday house clothes)

Clothes hanging nicely inside my closet


Collectively, there were not a lot of color inside, except for that yellow one, royal blue one and the flannels. As much as I want to add more color to my life (more than the blue anyway), I’m still to scared of it. But I know I’ll get there someday — baby steps, baby steps. =D

Day at the museum – the Mind Museum!

The Mind Museum at Taguig

It was Mon and I’s 4th year and 3rd month and we took the opportunity to go out with my family and visit the Mind Museum at Taguig. As we only have four gift cards from the raffle before, we purchased two more tickets online because apparently, Brie was over 2 feet. JB was extra excited because he hasn’t stopped asking me about this visit for a month or so. He just had his First Communion a few hours earlier and he only took off his white long sleeves and did not bother changing at all.

About to enter the Mind Museum

Family picture with the robot Aedi by the lobby

Black Chocoolate red flannel shirt, khaki shorts, salmon pink Jack Purcell sneakers, Burberry leather messenger bag 2

By the reception, we presented our ticket print-out and we were given wristbands with “All-Day pass” written on it. First impression was the place wasn’t as big as I expected, but not saying that it was small. But as the kids were already sprinting towards every exhibit they could get their little hands onto, I had no other choice but to chase after them. It was a hands-on museum, but caution must be exercised because some of the exhibits were not to be touched nor manipulated.

Brie sitting by the giant periodic table - The Mind Museum at Taguig

The giant brain - The Mind Museum at Taguig

And of course, an iconic device of science in action was the Van de Graaff generator. I did not touch the equipment, though, because I have short hair and the visuals would be much better on people with longer hair. So my sister went on to touch the generator and her hair literally raised right after it was turned on. We were wondering, though. Some of the people (women to be exact) who tried the device had almost non-reactive hair, to the point where it took a good 30-seconds before their hair started raising. But we have also noticed that they have treated hair, relaxed mostly, and maybe that was the reason why they had little reaction. LOL

My sister trying out the Van de Graaff generator - The Mind Museum at Taguig

I was just watching the other day on YouTube a documentary describing the time when both the Homo erectus and Homo sapiens sapiens lived on Earth at the same time, and how the skills of the latter had helped them, I mean US, to become the dominant species. The exhibit in the museum was impressive and so life-like that the lady looking at her child by the ground gave me the creeps. Hello Uncanny Valley!

Evolution of Man - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Uncanny valley kicking in, this lady looked so life-like  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

I was also very excited to visit the Geology section because I’m also such a sucker for anything tectonic-related. They have interesting earthquake-magnitude simulators, fossils of trilobites, ginkgo biloba, ants trapped inside an amber and of course, the hard-to-miss Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton.

The Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton The Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton

Close up of the Tyrannosaurus rex skull - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Ants trapped inside an amber - very Jurassic park  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

And lastly, I was so excited to go to the Universe section of the museum because I obviously love astronomy. The star-strewn section had a lot of exhibits that the kids can manipulate, and they even had a replica of the Mars Pathfinder next to the phases of the Moon model and the astronaut. They also present a 30-minute show in a planetarium dome next to the life-cycle of a star exhibit. I can’t remember watching anything like it before and I was heavily anticipating it. While we were on queue, we we alongside this group of very uncivilized high school students who kept on letting some of their friends fall in line with them. As the dome can only accommodate 40 people, we had to shut them and give them the stink eye so as to make them stop. It momentarily worked because once we were inside watching the show, we can’t believe how unruly they were that they began hitting each other with their cushions. O_O It was extremely appalling and these people had no place inside the museum. Yuck.

The Universe section  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

My sister and her kids with this astronaut -  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

JB and Mon trying out the solar system model - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Mama below the life cycle of a star exhibit - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Anyway, the projection of the film was horrible. First, as they are using fish-eye projection, they should have put the projector in the middle in order to maximize the dome-shaped ceiling. Second, I think the projection might be probably good early in the morning because they did not bother adjusting the focus of the lens that you can barely see the supposedly amazing details of the heavenly bodies. Personally, I had high hopes and it was such a waste of time.

It was actually tiring to walk around and chase after the kids and by a few minutes after 3:00 PM, we decided to eat by the Jollibee inside the Mind Musuem complex. I still haven’t drunk coffee for the day and we ordered two cups for both Mon and I, because apparently, they refused to brew just for a single cup. But it was disappointing as well because it had no coffee taste whatsoever and I suspect that they did not bother using new ground coffee and utilized the ones used for serving breakfast earlier that day. Boo Jollibee!

Waiting for our food in Jollibee - The Mind Museum at Taguig

It was a quick snack because JB and Brie were both itching to go to the Science-in-the-Park, the playground next to Jollibee. If I were a kid, I’d go mad with the cool stuff they had in it. They have acoustic-based playthings, as well as the bubble makers and a group of animal heads with viewfinders simulating their vision. I didn’t even know that the King Cobra was colorblind as well, which was ironic because I have a great fear of snakes. We share something together.

Science in the Park  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Giant bubble maker  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

The king cobra-vision simulator - The Mind Museum at Taguig

About to go down the slide - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Mother, daughter and grandmother  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

After eating and playing, we headed straight back to the second level of the museum to look at what was in store for us. The things there were more technology and innovation-based, chronicling achievement of men in terms of transportation, optics, space technology as well as languages.

Our only complete group shot - thanks to the 10-second timer  - The Mind Museum at Taguig

A model of the International Space Station, which JB recognized right away - The Mind Museum at Taguig

A model of the Hubble Space Telescope - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Looking at Uranus LOL - The Mind Museum at Taguig
Of course, a mandatory photo with something French - The Mind Museum at Taguig

The ripple machine wasn't actually working - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Trying out the printing press  - The Mind Museum at Taguig
And for our last stop, we went to two 3D showing: “Ang Simula” and “Birthplace” A Natural History of the Earth“. Of course we had to fall in line again for the latter and we had poor seats compare to the one we had for the former. “Ang Simula” was directed by Chito S. Roño and chronicles the geological history of the Philippines. I was actually quite ashamed of myself because I have already watched loads of documentaries on geology but not one of them has discussed the Philippines’ origin. It was only there that I knew that the island of Palawan was once part of the Eurasian plate as a product of the continental draft. This show had a narration while “Birthplace” had none. “Birthplace” began with a depiction of the birth of Earth, followed by the formation of the first amino acids comprising the primordial soup of life. Then the stunning visualization of how the single-celled organisms evolved into multicellular to more complex ones. Each of the shows run for about 15-minutes.
Ang Simula - The Mind Museum at Taguig
Birthplace - A Natural History of the Earth - The Mind Museum at Taguig
Waiting for the 3D show to start - The Mind Museum at Taguig
After the 3D show - The Mind Museum at Taguig

Overall, it was an awesome experience. Granted that I did not have time to actually tinker with each one of the exhibits with the curiosity of a little kid but as my nephew and niece already had a great time, I was fine with it. I initially thought that the Bio-Rhythm exhibit was also available for us to see but turned out that we have to pay about Php 200 more for that.

About to leave the Mind Museum - The Mind Museum at Taguig