Except for one, all my bags are on the neutral side. I also have a lot of messengers but I’m beginning to warm up to backpacks and slowly getting over my trauma of carrying one.
So when we went to Seoul last month, Mon and I agreed to buy canvas backpacks, simialr to the styles we kept on seeing on guys in the streets and the subway. So on our third night, we tried finding the stall with the most justified price of bags and came across one, right across Lotte Young Plaza.

We actually bought four bags: two of two different styles for both Mon and I. I don’t get to use the purple one often but I love using the red one more:

Looking back, I think I should have not bought the purple one. My mentality that time was to buy two colored-bags other than neutral so I immediately jumped on the red and purple. Granted that the bags are not exactly expensive (a great deal a KRW 10,000 each, more expensive than the last minute moisturizer I hesitantly bought due to stupidity), I wish I could have bought another black one. =D