Rainy Sunday

It was Sunday the 31st of July, and we are a hop and skip away from August 1. We normally visit on Sundays to have lunch with my family in our house in the uplands, as it was unthinkable to even travel on a Saturday.

We did it once 2 weeks ago and the travel time was horrendous. It took 2 hours coming from Makati  and at least 3 hours on the way back. To think that we spent only around 4 hours home, it was, for the lack of better word, traumatic. Thus, I made an arrangement with Mon if we could always just visit on a Sunday unless we can’t help it.

It was a very cloudy day and it was obvious that it would rain hard. It may be because of the continuously rising oil prices that there were not too many vehicles on the road, but it only took us a bit more than an hour to reach home.

Watching my 9-year old cat

Watching my 9-year old cat

Despite being the actual homeowner (as I am still in the process of transferring the title under my name), the guards at the gate of the subdivision still usually ask where I am headed to. They don’t recognize me at all. That was not the case whenever my father would fetch us nearby as they obviously knew him/them, as they are the ones living there.

One of the first things we usually do as soon as we arrive is check on the 2 dogs and the cat. While we were smothered by the dogs, our cat, Miso is the eternal ambivalent lady of the house.

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A trip to Makati Cinema Square

We have been living in Makati for more than a year now, but I have never visited Makati Cinema Square. From what I’ve heard from people and read online, it is a treasure trove for secondhand goods – from clothes to home decoration. While our original plan was to visit the streets of Bangkal for used home stuff, the weather was too hot to to deal with and it was best to just stay in one place. I had to first ship a couple of items via JRS Express, and I was surprised that the branch was asking me for 4% additional payment for the declared value of the items. I would have foregone using their services, but one buyer specifically asked to have her items be picked-up in a JRS Express branch. Anyway, I was already itching to look around the ukays to see if maybe I’d get lucky with a couple of things.

If I were to assess the ukays in this building compared to the one in Anonas, the latter was easier to navigate since it was a single area dedicated to secondhand stores. We had a harder time jumping from one ukay to another because it was also like Farmers Plaza, with food stalls and pirated DVD stores in the mix. It was also unfortunate that the larger stores with airconditioning had new arrivals, hence had higher price for their items. LOL I love a good challenge on the heavily discounted ones, and it breaks my heart to pay “full price” for them.

Sounds like a Kris Aquino movie

Sounds like a Kris Aquino movie

Getting lost inside this labyrinth of vintage and secondhand home trinkets in Makati Cinema Square

Getting lost inside this labyrinth of vintage and secondhand home trinkets in Makati Cinema Square

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My blog turns two today!

I’m fond of saying “How time flies!”, yet I won’t back down using the expression again. My blog turns two today, and I only realized it this afternoon. There might be considerable lows in terms of post turnout lately, but I think I might be slowly catching up. However, there is still that task of putting tags and properly categorizing each entries — in the coming days, maybe. (See my new banner above ^_^) It is worth mentioning also that June has finally arrived. Summer has passed and I still haven’t touched any sand from the beach, let alone a swimming pool. Every around 3:00 PM, the rain clouds begin forming, officially signalling the start of the rainy season. I’ve been wanting to bring my 14-hole Doc Martens with me to the apartment because they are the most weatherproof of all the boots that I have. For some weird reasons, I cannot find its shoelaces and I think that I should buy another pair from the shoe stores in Farmers Plaza.

Rain clouds over Bonifacio Global City

Rain clouds over Bonifacio Global City

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Furniture adventure: a day in Paco, Manila

I’ve been writing a lot lately about our apartment, and what we have been doing to make the place feel more like home. We began by changing the color of the walls from yellow to mint green, as well as bringing in the essentials such as the sofa bed (which I read as a good small bedding idea), exhaust fan and a mirror (lol priorities).

Mon brought home a couple of acrylic paints and blank canvases when he went home last Wednesday, and he had painted two colorful bunch of swirls, which I put on top of that mirror for the obligatory pop of color on the walls.

Mon had fun with acrylic paints and blank canvases, and came up with this colorful pair of abstract paintings

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Surplus shopping!

I am not the person to shy away from a good buy, as I’m always in the process of looking for bargain items. *winks* I knew of two surplus shops in Araneta Center: one was HMR Surplus, while the other was MSM Surplus. The former was more “upscale” (due to airconditioning), while the latter was in a newly-occupied stall beside Farmers Market. I have never been inside both of them until today, and I was expecting to buy at least a reasonable price for a functional item we can use in the apartment.

First stop, HMR Surplus. They are occupying a really large space on the ground floor of Telus Buuilding, just behind Araneta Coliseum. They made me leave my bag in the counter, and I was not sure whether they allow usage of cameras inside, so I only have my cellphone camera to work with, thus the less-than-desirable resolution of the photos.

HMR Surplus in Telus, Araneta Center, Cubao

I am not a fan of buying electronic equipment from surplus/secondhand stores, because I’ve seen enough Imbestigador episodes where a fire has started from surplus-bought appliances. I was looking for sleek furniture (closet, storage box or table) because we can’t afford to have bulky pieces.  I beelined to the furniture section to see if they have interesting items, and I was happy to see the type of items we wish to have.

But when I searched for the price tag, I was shocked. They were not remotely cheap for a surplus item, and most of them are priced higher than what SM sells. It was not as if they were selling hardwood furniture, but they almost have the same type of modular, pre-assembled materials as SM. Not gonna happen.

Stackable storage drawers at Php 1,790 each --- yikes - HMR Surplus

But I found one item that I will most probably buy if money were not an issue. I found four stackable drawers on top of each other and they have the exact storage capacity that I needed. I imagined the type of things I would put inside, but at Php 1,790 each, I will not bother buying even one. however, It gave me a good idea of the type of storage I will use because we need as many multifunctional items in our small room.

So I left HMR Surplus and went next to MSM Surplus. I think they have opened barely three weeks month ago, because they still have that loud music playing, which was very typical of newly-opened stores in the Philippines. LOL

MSM Surplus in Farmers Market, Cubao
Trinkets found on the 2nd floor of MSM Surplus - Farmers, Cubao

They have toys, shoes, bags, picture frames, appliances, household goods and even clothes in their two-storey store. They have a membership of Php 100, which gives the member a 10% discount, but I’m not too sure how much of help that would be. Again, I went straight away to the household goods and saw old lighting fixtures, paintings, and kitchenware. They do not have a lot of furniture, though I saw a little table or two inside. But what caught my eye was this solid black frame from Melannco, which I considered as the perfect size to use as an exhaust fan frame. I don’t think we can do a lot of things inside the apartment, which includes making a hole in the wall big enough to accommodate an exhaust fan. We can use a little more of ventilation and I saw the smallest, 6-ince exhaust fan from Western appliances in farmers.

A solid Melannco frame I bought for Php 175

There was no problem taking photos inside this surplus shop, and as my hands were quite shaky, I did not bother getting macro/detailed shots of other items. I knew right away that I needed this frame, but how expensive this could be? So when I approached the lady upstairs, she took a look at it, flipped it up and down twice and priced in at Php 175. I was hoping it would be for sale at around Php 100, but it was clear that she can price it at php 200 and I’d still get it. And as if she was dubious I would do a small skullduggery, she made it a point to rush downstairs just to inform the cashier of the frame’s price. LOL

A 6-inch Imarflex exhaust fan for our small apartment

After securing the frame, I needed the exhaust fan. Another DIY project in the making and I hope I can do something to make it fit snugly  inside the frame.

Makati, oh Makati!

It was my favorite Aunt’s birthday and they were here since last weekend because their van still neded some repair, after an unfortunate accident in the express way last month. As they’ve got nothing to do, they asked me if I wanted to go strolling. I took that opportunity to ask my uncle if he can drive for me as I buy a sofa bed for our new apartment, because we needed one before we eventually move in over the weekend. A deal was done and we found our way driving to Makati to buy  what I needed to buy.

Only in Makati - this traffic enforcer insisted that we had defied a traffic rule --- and he looks uncanningly familiar as well, no? LOLFast forward an hour later, as we were to turn left to Paseo de Roxas from Buendia Avenue, an officer was signaling us to halt and pull over the sidewalk. What just happened? I remember telling Tito that we can still turn left since the left arrow was still on green, meaning it was a legitimate turn. Then this man in yellow approached us and started droning about traffic rules, that the left arrow was no longer lit when we crossed the road. That was… weird. What can we possibly do if he were correct. Are we supposed to stop in the middle of the road? It was a clear case of damn if you do, damn if you don’t. I tried protesting the supposed violation, but he just gave a smug “Dun kayo mag-contest sa station” to us.

Well, we can’t let that event spoil our day, so we just headed straight to Glorietta. After a quick snack in McDonald’s (my nephew JB was with us, so go figure), we went straight to SM to buy a can of brown paint, and see if the sofa bed that Mon and I saw a week ago was still available. All along, I was under the impression that if we were to pay cash, we’d still get about 10% discount from SM. But alas, the listed price was the final price, so I went a little over the budget. I was about to let it go and check the other sofa bed in Landmark, when I convinced myself that it was already a good deal. And just in time, when I already informed the man attending the bed/sofa bed area, about two more groups were looking at the piece, taking pictures and asking if they accept credit card as form of payment. I think JB pretty made it clear that we are getting the bed, as it was the only one left, because he was already lying down on it. LOL We finally have a bed.

I ended up buying the mirror to the right

I think I want potted flowers in our room - SM Makati

We also needed a mirror, so I went back to the area where we had seen these two mirrors (one in black and white, while the other in brown), and chose the latter because I thought brown would look better next to shades of green. And speaking of greens, I also contemplated buying some potted flowers but I am not too sure if we needed some as we were still in the process of fixing our things in the apartment. That will come soon.

We now have a sofa bed!We had a hard time transporting the sofa bed, though, because we were not too sure if it would fit inside the Revo. In the end, we were able to squeeze ourselves in (there were five of us, Tito’s brother Kuya Raymond was in the area, and agreed to help us), with JB just beneath the bed, while I contorted myself beside it. Indeed, if there’s a will, there’s a way. I was also delighted to see the paint settle in nicely since painting them over the weekend. The built-in cabinets looked as if they could take another coating of darker green, so there was no need for me to use the paint I had just bought. After bidding them goodbye because I was just on halfday leave, I arrived in the office hungry and waited for Mon’s training to finish before eating dinner.

On a side note, I was informed that there were few people I know who had the same experience as ours with traffic enforcers. One had the same encounter and was given the same ticket for turning left as the left arrow was allegedly no longer lit. Who knows how many times they do that every time the traffic light changes color? It now makes me wish I can just stay in that area for an hour, and observe and take photos/videos of these abusive enforcers. Also, my sister also gave an anecdote wherein an abusive enforcer was extorting motorists with the same tactic. The last thing they heard about that guy, he was shot by a trigger-happy driver. What goes around comes around. Tito eventually had to claim his license from the police station. He paid Php 500 but the damn (or should I say dumb) officers did not bother giving him a receipt. Well, it was almost dinner time so one can only surmise where that money would be going. Again, what goes around comes around and I am quite hopeful. Ganyan kami sa Makati!