And I won a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate!

I’ve been a loyal reader of the PurseBlog sice I started being a member of tPF. I normally do not comment on the blogs that I read, but the PurseBlog was an exception. I began by just reading but the topics are, most of the time, perplexingand interesting that I can’t help but comment. Long story short, I do try to chime in with my opinion every once in a while, and it has unexpectedly paid off!

Email from PurseBlog

Who would have thought that commenting on a blog can win me an Amazon Gift Certificate? It was really nice of them since it was, again, unexpected. It might not be much but it made me happy because it was my first time to win something online! LOL Thanks to Shannon of tPF/the PurseBlog for this nice surprise!

WordAds earnings

WordAds earnings for two monthsLast September, I applied for WordAds, which is the exclusive advertising option for WordPress-based blogs and I was happy that I was approved. Two months on since the ads started running, I was able to earn the amount indicated above, equivalent for about a total of 29,000 impressions. I understand that the payoff will not be very high, considering that I’m located in the Philippines where impressions do not cost that high (per advertisers’ point-of-view) but I’m on the fence about it.

Sure I’m not really here to make money but just blog whatever comes to mind/the things that happen in my life, especially for my friend to see (he has ways to view my blog in spit of the Great Firewall of China!), but as I have no idea on what to expect, then I’m as good as fine with it. LOL But at this rate, I won’t be able to get any money until next year if I needed to reach $ 100 before they make any payment. Whatever happens happens. =)