Our Decade Old Cat

And just like that, Miso turned 10!

We had at least 2 scares now regarding Miso: one in September, while the other during New Year. It was scary how each time, I feel like we are fighting against time to make sure her health concerns were addressed. The vet even explicitly mentioned the most recent one as a near miss.

Somehow, she is a survivor.

All for our senior cat? =)

Of course, she cannot eat these, as it is more symbolic more than anything else. Nevertheless, we got her (and Milky) a couple of why-are-you-so-expensive cans of Fancy Feast. After that, we had to go back to our special diet so her liver and kidneys do not overwork. (She is eating hepatic dry food from Royal Canin, now).

Look at her below? This was from 10 years ago when she was a half a month old. She was the smallest as the runt of the litter. She was also only around 3 months when I left the house and rented a humble apartment to try my luck with a career in the development sector.

A very young, 2-week old Miso

Every month, we had to shave her fur so the vet can see clearly any issues she has with her skin. She progressively looks better as each week pass by.

For now, I am excited to celebrate her 10 years — and I look forward to the next 10 years and more!

About to blow the candle


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