My nephew serving quasi-Plato’s Atlantis realness

It is Father’s Day today and I have greeted my father around late afternoon already.

Well, as he is out of the country, it was technically lunch in Doha, Qatar when he called so it wasn’t that late. I wanted to thank him for being the best and accepting father ever and I’m very much blessed in that particular aspect alone for he accepted me with no questions asked.

Where can you find a father who jokes around with your SO and even frequently asks about us and how we are? Not everywhere. Happy Father’s Day pa and I love you! 🙂

My day was about to normally end, except that my seven-year-old nephew decided to make an homage to Alexander McQueen and his Plato’s Atlantis… well almost! He’d surely fit in with the browless look of the show.


Such a crazy boy! He knew that he was not supposed to eat bubble gum, but he mysteriously got hold of one. Presumably blew it and burst to his face, right eyebrow and hair. He was very adamant to our questions but we investigated enough and I saw my razor in the bathroom has sticky residues. Busted!

We don’t know whether to feel furious or worried, but we surely were laughing so hard while scolding him about what he did.

The clincher: he’s got an appointment for his school I.D. picture taking tomorrow! Poor Brandon. If only he had told us much earlier, then some oil could have gotten the gum away from his eyebrow.

May this serve a good and eternal lesson to him.


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