Mooncake Festival and my luck

While fixing the bag I used earlier, I’ve noticed that I have already accumulated a handful of coins. The lost of my coin purse a month ago has pushed me to be reckless with the loose change. The handful of coins did not help because my bags are usually heavy to begin with.

A handful of Philippine coins

To celebrate being free from the rashes of the previous month, I finally wore shorts today. But since I still got a few issues by my left foot, I decided to skip the flip-flops and wear these sneakers to cover them. In spite of the imminent downpour, I still wore light-colored shorts.
Check polo shirt, khaki shorts, red Jack Purcell Converse sneakers, black Coach metropolitan briefcase messenger - Manila, Philippines

Plaid polo shirt, khaki shorts, red Jack Purcell Converse sneakers, black Coach metropolitan briefcase messenger bag

We bought tickets for our movie and ate dinner by their food court but what caught our attention was this milk tea place they have. For the record, I’m not the biggest fan of the current hysteria over milk tea places. Every nook and corner seems to have a one, but anyway, we still decided to give Trinoma’s TeaBeri a go. My taste buds are not that refined and I couldn’t even tell the difference from other milk tea places, ergo, my opinion over which was the best place won’t even matter.

TeaBeri's price list - Trinoma Food Court

TeaBeri’s price list

Since we still had two more hours before the movie, we decided to visit the Ukay-Ukay near MRT SM North Avenue Station — Raberly U.K. Center. =D We were hoping to snag a good pair of boots for winter because Mon still doesn’t have any for our Korean trip this December (that is if, hopefully, we secure our visas next week). Unfortunately for Mon, he did not find any; but fortunately for me, I found two extremely nice items to my surprise: a pair of Prada lace-ups and a gray Play by Comme des Garçons polo shirt. (More on them on this separate post).

Raberly Ukay Center - SM North Avenue Station

Raberly Ukay Center

We then went to the grocery to buy the ingredients needed for what Mon will be cooking for my mother’s 56th birthday tomorrow, and we were happy to see the stalls nearby selling moon cakes. We just realized that it was for the Chinese’ Moon Cake Festival. We just bought two tin cans, each for our moms.

Moon Cakes from Trinoma - Quezon City, Philippines

Moon Cakes from Trinoma

The biggest moon cake in their display rack - Trinoma

Then after watching ‘Hotel Transylvania’, I am confident to say that the movie was one of the least humorous animated movies I’ve seen in years. It has its share of few good, momentary laughs (take that little monster with the piranha-in-the-lake line and the ghetto-fabulous shrunken head by Mavis’ door as examples); but almost everything was forced and lacking. I initially thought that the primary reason was that most of the people watching were adults and the dialogue was generally not that palatable to us. However, when the lights were on after the screening, almost half of the audience were kids and my initial theory was instantaneously debunked. It did not help that the trailer pretty much gave the story away and the plot was also predictable.

The best part of the day was, unintentionally, the train ride back to Cubao. Mon and I were seated next to the door when a group of men in black polo shirt boarded the train in Quezon Avenue station with a basket of rambutan. It was hilarious and ridiculous at the same time as the guy in the middle was nonchalantly holding the basket, while his friend to his right was busy picking and eating a fruit after the other. I know eating and drinking is prohibited inside the train but I love that they did not give a single damn to everybody. LOL

A group of guys eating a basket of rambutan inside the MRT - Philippines

A group of guys eating a basket of rambutan inside the MRT — the most random thing like a jury scene from ‘Sex and the City’




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