After buying shoelaces from Cubao yesterday, I was excited to finally use these Doc Martens for the first time.
I’ve noticed that the heel part was still rigid and needed a little breaking in. What I did was put a dumbbell on this part the whole day and hoped that it will be more forgiving to my feet.
So for today, even if it’s casual Friday, I decided to wear another dress shirt with these black pants to see how will the Docs work with them. It was okay so I was happy that I now have three Doc Martens to rotate for the weeks ahead.
I’m particularly in love with this dress shirt. I can’t believe when Mon and I saw it months ago and it was my size. I don’t really know what the color is. I think it might be blue and a little iridescent.
But after a few hours, my left foot began to have blisters in the heel area. Just as I thought that the boots are already broken in when I got them, and the extra help of the dumbbell, they still need more work.
Now, I have no choice but wear this pair of ’emergency’ loafers. I feel a bit awkward.