Christmas officially started in our house!

It has been weeks already since we brought out our Christmas tree, but we only had the time this weekend to finally put ornaments on it (and some more)! My nephew and niece were, of course, very eager to help. After all, Christmas is more fun when you have kids screaming and running around the house. LOLMy nephew JB hanging ornaments on our Christmas tree - Christmas in the PhilippinesBrie hugging Little Santa - Christmas in the Philippines

However, I had been sneezing for hours already because the ornaments and decorations were kept in their boxes for months and all the dust and what-nots irritated my nose. Not to mention, I had been helping Mama to hang all of the lights and those little, paratrooper Santas around the house. By the end of the day, I was already sweaty and grimy that I had scrubbed my body hard to remove the dirt when I took a bath.

A Poinsettia on our Christmas Tree - Christmas in the Philippines

I can even see Brie and I in the reflection - Christmas in the Philippines

Little Santa under our tree - Christmas in the Philippines

Lights looking nicer when out of focus =) - Christmas in the PhilippinesOn another note, I just found out that my good friend miles away from me has been brought to the hospital. =( I’m extremely worried now and I hope that medication for his kidney stones will suffice because surgery will definitely be next option.. Take care Ikle!


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