Building up slowly!

To all my (silent) readers, I want to let you know that this page is still alive! (And a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!) LOL I might not be as diligent with updating BRYOLOGUE lately, but I am still here! I have been (yet again) keeping tabs on a lot of things, thus the delay in posting. But most of all, A LOT of things have happened since the last time I gave an in-depth view of my day-to-day activities. I just finished renewing my self-hosting, and I could not believe that a year has quickly flown by since I had bitten the bullet.

To cut the chase, this is the most significant update of my life:

I'm finally home, I guess. =)

I’m finally home?

For the record, you won’t be seeing much of this emblem in my page. Apparently (and obviously), we have lots of restrictions in its use. And as early as now, I would like to unequivocally say that all views and opinions in this site, regardless if they were made before or during my appointment, are completely of my own and does not reflect the organization. So there, I’m already done with my disclaimer! LOLOLOLOL

That being said, please expect an avalanche of posts in the coming days, most of them from what happened in the previous weeks and even months. The thing is, I already have lots of prepared photos but my hands were full with work. Scratch that — employments with an s.

If you have been following my page closely, you know very well how roller coaster of a ride my working life was. And in 2015, things were more than crazy! I literally had 6 jobs in 2015 alone. From leaving my corporate job, then joining a nightmare team, then a freelance writing job, followed by a short-term stint in a UN organization (which allowed me to travel to Guam for 10 days), a semester university teaching post, and finally ending up in another international humanitarian organization.

Not jinxing anything, but I’m more optimistic with the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Meanwhile, let me settle down. =)


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