And my friend is finally here!

My friend, Ikle, finally arrived last Monday morning and he was already complaining over how hot the weather was. LOL Coming from wintery China, it was of course too warm for him. We have already agreed that we will be meeting on Wednesday and I was so happy and excited to see him after a year and a half!

We had a lot of fun hearing stories about his experience of solitary living in China, having to live without initially speaking Mandarin and dealing with the rigors of graduate school.

What I thought as Chinese Oreo and Chinese Pepero

Given that it was just a weekday and we have already talked about a lot of things, we still have so much more to catch up with. He gave us these boxes of sweets from China, which I initially thought as Oreo (LOL It was really Oreo) and Pepero (Pocky turned out to be a Japanese brand).

I will be meeting up with him on Friday when we go to visit UP, as well as on Sunday because my mother will be cooking for him as a welcome-back present. He has been very vocal about how much he liked my mother’s cooking.

His schedule, however, was jam-packed. Up until his last day, he has a lot of commitments and appointments with friends. But next week, we’ll have more time together because we will be visiting Baguio City. I wonder how cold the place will be, given the overall drop of temperature in the Philippines lately. But as he had rightly put, it can’t definirely be colder than what we have respectively experienced in South Korea and China. =D


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